Harvest is upon us, and soon enough it will be time to let the fields sit and put away our tools for winter. Like any piece of equipment, your tractor needs regular maintenance to stay in operational condition, and it’s important that your equipment is ready to go again when spring comes around. That’s why you should take a few extra steps to get your tractor ready for storage.

At Bucklin Tractor & Implement Company, we know how important tractors are to keeping a farm alive. A malfunctioning tractor can cause heartache, or just hurt your bottom line if it should need spendy service or repairs. We’ve put together a few tips to getting your tractor ready for storage. You’ll cut down on extra repairs and extend the life of your equipment, not to mention have to ready to go next year. Read on for more information or visit one of our locations in Bucklin, Greensburg, Ness City, Great Bend, Hoxie, and Pratt, Kansas. 

Basic Maintenance

A lot of preparing your tractor for storage will come down to performing basic maintenance tasks. After all, it’s a perfect time to do a bit of maintenance before your tractor goes into storage for the season. 

Engine oil should be checked and likely replaced. Use the same method you would with a car: take out and clean the dipstick, reinsert, and then pull out again to examine the oil. It should be gold and thin. If it’s sludgy, brown, or thick, it’s time to drain the oil and replace the filter. Otherwise, top off the oil and move on. Next, drain the fuel from the tank and put in a fresh gallon or so with a fuel stabilizer so your tank doesn’t rust out. 

Open up the tractor and clean out the insides as best you can, working to avoid the battery and engine. Dirt can get under the tractor hood, and taking care of it will prevent engine damage. Remove the battery and store it in a dry, cool place. Hook it up to a battery tender to keep it ready for next season.

Tractor tires are big and they’re expensive. While you won’t have to worry about tread wear as much as you would on your car or truck tires, you should still give them a once over to make sure they’re structurally sound. When storing your tractor, use supporting blocks or stands to keep the tires from forming flat spots. Release a bit of air — until they are about a third of the recommended pressure. This takes pressure off the tires and puts them on the blocks, which will make your tires ready for next year!

Clean It Up!

Tractors work in the dirt and soil all day long, so it’s no wonder they get, well, dirty! Letting that dirt and grime sit is a bad idea, as it can help to corrode the frame given time and moisture. Before you think about storing your tractor, hit it with the suds. Mild detergents like those you’d use on your car work well, and even dish soap and other all-purpose cleaners are effective enough to get the job done. Avoid letting any water or soap getting into the electronics or onto the instrument panel, as this can cause damage. After you’ve finished washing off your tractor, take the time to lubricate the grease points in areas like the hydraulic cylinder rods, which need some grease to keep moving. If there’s ever a time to go over your tractor with a detailed cleaning, it’s now!

Store and Cover

The best place to store a tractor over the winter is a barn or a shed. Whatever you use, it needs to keep your tractor dry and protected from the elements like rain, snow, wind, and sun. If your storage area is less than secure from weather, then a cover is a must. However, don’t use a plastic cover! That’ll reduce air circulation and cause mechanical issues over time as water builds up. Use a tractor cover made with water repelling material.

Tractors are the machines that make farms run smooth, and it pays to keep them in good condition whether they’re in the field or waiting in the barn for spring. Treat your tractor well and it’ll return the favor. We hope some of these storage tips have been helpful. 

If you’re after more tractor storage information, or you’re just interested in taking a look at our stock of used John Deere tractors, head into Bucklin Tractor. We have locations in Bucklin, Greensburg, Ness City, Great Bend, Hoxie, and Pratt, Kansas. We’re a certified John Deere dealer and carry the best pre-owned tractors around. Stop by today and let our team of tractor experts show you the true meaning of customer satisfaction!