Tractors provide you with excellent performance out on the fields which enhances your efficiency and productivity, so reward them by keeping them well serviced. By practicing these basic tractor maintenance tips, you’ll even save yourself some trips to the mechanic shop and avoid major repair expenses. You won’t be able to prevent every possible issue, but you can certainly do your part to minimize them.

At Bucklin Tractor & Implement, we have the top brands of tractors and implements for sale. Give us a visit as soon as you can and allow us to help you find the right machine that works best for you. For your convenience, we have locations across Kansas.

The Owner’s Manual

The owner’s manual is sometimes forgotten. If you haven’t looked it over, be sure to take some time to do so. This has important information and key insights on how your machine functions and specific details on how each feature works. It will also make you aware of things you should avoid doing and certain types of products you should use or stay away from.

The Radiator

Tractor engines are designed to work for hours until the job is done. An engine working from sunrise to sunset requires a well-hydrated radiator to keep from overheating. 

Therefore, create a daily habit of checking your radiator coolant and top off as needed before putting your tractor to work. If you find yourself having to add too much fluid frequently, this might be an indication of a damaged radiator and you will want to fix the issue as soon as possible. Never run your tractor with low radiator fluid as this will lead to damaging your engine block.

The Engine Oil

Your tractor’s engine is composed of many parts that work together to keep your machine running. These small components slide up and down making contact with each other, so they need lubrication to avoid corrosion or rusting that might damage their movement. 

For this reason, you’ll want to make sure that your oil level is always topped with the right amount. However, it is important to know when to make a complete oil change rather than refilling it. Running your engine with old and sludgy oil can lead you to the repair shop sooner than you want. 

The Tires

Don’t forget to check the wheels that carry you through the day. Make sure to inspect their conditions and be sure to have them inflated at the right level. You can read their exact measure of air pressure by using a tire gauge. 

We hope you found these tips helpful. If you want to look at some great tractor deals or simply need a tractor repair or service appointment, visit the experts at Bucklin Tractor & Implement. We proudly serve all those from Kansas!