If you’re looking for ways to improve your farm operation, you have come to the right place. Our experts have created this guide to help you make the most of your farm equipment by pairing it with the right farming technology. Keep reading to learn more, then visit us at any of our dealerships in Kansas to look at our latest collection of John Deere tractors and other farming equipment. Bucklin Tractor Implement serves six locations across the state, including Bucklin, Greensburg, and Ness City.

Improve Field Preparation

Field preparation is key to ensuring your field is ready for planting. Add the right farming technology to your tillage equipment and improve your field preparation process. You can use automated satellite guidance for bedded crops and strip-tilling, and keep track of field conditions and implement depth, too. Also, you can use the TruSet™ farming technology to adjust tillage depth and pressure in just a few seconds.

Enhance Your Planting Process

Once you’ve prepared your fields, you’ll want to start planting your crops. Let John Deere farming technology help you improve seed spacing, placement, and emergence so you can expect a better harvest.

To improve your planting process, use AutoTrac Turn Automation to tackle headland turns and boost your consistency. You can also use RowCommand™ and Section Control to automatically turn row units on and off and bring down seed costs and waste.

Improve the Crop Upkeep Process

Use your John Deere farm machines to tend to your crops after you have planted them. You can use technology to gather and centralize data to maximize this process. For example, you can use technology to keep track of what you have sprayed and where and monitor weather conditions to make necessary adjustments.

Make Your Harvest Process Better

Pair your agricultural equipment with the right farming technology and make the most of your harvest. You can use the Combine Advisor and ActiveVision Cameras to improve grain quality while reducing grain loss and harvest your crops at a consistent speed using AutoTrac RowSense.

Get Better Agricultural Equipment Uptime

Thanks to advanced farming technology, it’s now possible for farmers and farm owners to proactively maintain their machines, even without frequently visiting any service department shops. Other than significantly reducing the downtime of your agricultural equipment, it also helps you stay productive.

Connected Support gives you Remote Display Access and Wireless Data Transfer for your machines, which you can use to gather essential information about your equipment. When you have all the information you need to keep your machinery in good working order, you can maintain them better and more efficiently.

Stay Connected with a Quality Signal

To help you stay connected with the various farm technology options, the StarFire™ 6000 Receiver provides you with a customizable signal. You can choose the range you want with plus-or-minus 6 inches and enjoy other perks like sub-inch accuracy with RTK. The original model of this farm technology, developed in 1998, was the world’s first Global Satellite-Based Augmentation System. Today, it is one of the highest quality options available on the market.

We hope this guide helps you find the right farming equipment for you. To look at a few models in person, visit Bucklin Tractor & Implement. We have an extensive inventory of John Deere farm equipment, and we can suggest models for your budget. We have 6 locations across Kansas, so visit one that's near you.